AIGLE ET GYPAÈTE – Les maîtres du ciel

di Véronique, Anne et Erik Lapied (Francia, 2018, 70’)

Grand Prix Tegernsee International Mountain Film Festival (Germany)

Una favolosa odissea
nei cieli delle Alpi più selvagge
Grazie ai sensi iper-sviluppati, l‘aquila reale devesuperare la vigilanza di marmotte, camosci e stambecchi, per confrontarsi con i suoi simili,risolvere i conflitti con i concorrenti e sopravvive-re all’inverno. Ma un rapace largo quasi tre metri,il Gipeto, vola sopra la valle e intende stabilirsi lì. In che modo questi avvoltoi condividono il territo-rio dell’aquila reale? Questo film, girato nell‘arcodi sette anni, ci conduce in una favolosa odissea aerea che ha come teatro le Alpi selvagge in tutto il loro splendore.

A fabulous odyssey
through the skies over the Alps
Because of its super-sharp senses the golden eagle canmonitor each groundhog, chamois and ibex from abovebut it must also engage with its own kind, competing withother birds, forming alliances and surviving the long win-ter. And now another bird of prey, the bearded vulturewith a wing span of almost three metres, appears in thesame valley and looks like it is there to stay. How will theterrain be divided up between the bearded vulture andthe golden eagle? This project, which was filmed over seven years, takes us on a remarkable flight through the wild heights of the Alps in all their splendour.

Anne, Erik e Véronique Lapied

Anne e suo marito Erik sono due cineasti di montagnae documentaristi di animali. Hanno girato, insieme alla figlia Véronique, numerosi film sulla fauna, gli uomini e l’ambiente di alta montagna. Filmano principalmente nelleAlpi, benché il loro lavoro li abbia condotti nel GrandeNord, in Himalaya e in Africa.

Anne, Erik e Véronique Lapied

Anne and her husband Erik make films on mountains and animal documentaries. Together with their daughter Vér-onique they have directed numerous films on the fauna, people and environment of high-altitude mountains. They film principally in the Alps, but their work has also taken them to the High North and to the Himalayas and Africa.