di Paweł Wysoczański (Polonia, 2015, 73’)

Il 24 ottobre 1989, durante una spedizione alla parete Sud del Lhotse, muore Jerzy Kukuczka. Era la sua prima volta in Himalaya da alpinista famoso, con budget e attrezzatura adeguate. Il film è il racconto della scalata, letterale, metaforica e simbolica di Kukuczka. Da lustrascarpe a milionario, da operaio socialista a star internazionale, iniziò a scalare senza mezzi e attrezzatura per arrivare a diventare il vero rivale di Mes- sner nella competizione per la conquista alpinistica dell’Himalaya e del Karakorum. Interviste alla famiglia, materiali di repertorio, fotografie ed estratti dai programmi d’epoca compongono il ritratto dell’alpinismo himalayano degli anni ’80.

On 24 October 1989, Jerzy Kukuczka dies during the Lhotse expedition. It was the first time when he went to the Himalayas with money, equip- ment, and as a really famous person. The documentary shows a person who climbs up, higher and higher – literally, but also metaphorically and symbolically. From a bootblack to a millionaire, from a socialist worker to an international media star, from the man who climbs without any money and equipment to the real competitor of Reinhold Messner in the competi- tion to Himalayas and the Karakoram. Interviews with family and friends, archives, photographs, recordings, excerpts from television programmes and interviews make up the portrait of the Himalayan mountaineers in 1980s.

Paweł Wysoczański è nato nel 1980 a Głogów, in Polonia. Si laurea alla Krzysztof Kie- slowski Faculty of Radio and Television all’università di Katowice.
Realizza documentari e film di finzione: “Point of view”, “Flying education”, “On the road’, “We will be happy one day”, che vincono numerosi premi in Polonia e all’estero. Realizza la mostra fotografica “In the shadow of sun” sui suoi viaggi in Etiopia e Sudan. Attualmen- te lavora a un film sulla Somalia.

born in 1980 in Głogów – Poland. Graduated University of Silesia in Katowice, Krzysztof Kieslowski Faculty of Radio and Television. Author of documentary and feature films: “Point of view”, “Flying education”, “On the road”, “We will be happy one day”, award- ed at film festivals in Poland and abroad. Author of photo exhibition “In the shadow of sun” documenting his travels to Ethiopia and Sudan. Currently working on a film about Somalia.

Dagmara Marcinek

ul. Basztowa 15/8A, 31-143 Kraków Tel. +4812 2946945 – E-mail: dagmara@kff.com.pl http://jurekkukuczka.pl/